As many of you know by now we have Marmalade Hills Fan Page giveaways every time we acquire 30 new fans. It is a fun way to introduce our products to loyal fans/friends and to get their help in making some business decisions. We believe that being successful in business is a two-way street. After all we are small indie business and this is how we differ from the "big guys" who could care less about their faceless consumers. So this giveaway is no different, we need to hear your thoughts about something that has been on our mind for some time. We would love for you to have one of our Clay Facial Masks as a "Thank you" for your time. Please feel free to share this giveaway with your friends, however there are some rules: to enroll in MH's 5th Fan Page Giveaway you must be a Marmalade Hills fan on Facebook; you must be 18 years of age or older; and you have to leave a comment to this post on our blog. Whether you are a fan or just a friend please tell us what kind of Marmalade Hills' product you think you would most likely buy at an art/craft show or fair and why. Would it be handcrafted soaps, facial care product, moisturizers and so on? We are looking forward to your comments which we will take into consideration while preparing for our upcoming shows. Please leave your comment underneath this post. If you leave a comment as anonymous, don't forget to sign your comment. This giveaway will be closed for comments exactly one week from today-March 5th. As always random winner will be announced on our Fan Page.
Good luck!

I would purchase from a art/craft show a handcrafted soap and some matching lotions or oils. Maybe something like a nice body butter. Something indulgent. When I go to art/craft shows I'm looking for something that looks very appealing to the eye, that is unique and that is beautiful. I think that your products would certainly catch my eye as they are lovely. But the real value of your products are once you start using them. They are just wonderful!
ReplyDeleteFor myself, I'd buy soaps and/or facial products, my allergies are sensitive to scented lotions. For gifts I'd buy lotions or gift sets. Your products make fabulous gifts.
ReplyDeleteI like when I can buy smaller sample or travel sized products. That way I can try multiple products or scents without committing to large quantities. Otherwise, I will buy full-sized handcrafted soap.
ReplyDeleteMichele Kubat
This giveaway is officially closed for comments.
ReplyDeleteThank you ladies!