Although we had only three comments submitted and therefore only three people enrolled to win our prize, we have our
First Fan Page Giveaway Winner who will get our
Silky Bath Bomb and
Natural Lip Balm with Rose Hip Oil! I have numbered fans’ comments as they were posted: 1-Cristina Wyatt, 2-Christine Wilson, 3-Mary Barris. And the winner IS! Drum roll please…
Cristina Wyatt! Congratulations Cristina! I will be putting your body treats in the mail as soon as I receive your shipping info. Don’t forget to choose your scents!
Our next Fan Page Giveaway is just 5 fans away! (
rules are here). Next time I want to try a different approach, I will let you guys pick the prize! So stay tuned!
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Thank you so much! I can not wait to try it out.
Congratulations Cristina!